MatchPointIR™ Common Uses
Law Enforcement & Public Safety School Safety Commercial Security |
Health Care Entertainment Industry Retail |
Law Enforcement & Public Safety
Detecting and identifying persons of interest is key to effective law enforcement and public safety. With MatchPoint™, officers can identify persons of interest entering public facilities like government buildings, sports arenas, political rallies and events. Automatic notifications alert the officer of an intruder and provide key information the identity of the person and the reason for the alert, to take appropriate action to protect the public safety
School Safety
School safety is of upmost importance, particularly in urban settings. MatchPoint’s facial recognition helps security officers detect troublemakers entering the school and loitering on the surrounding areas. Individual school systems can be synchronized to help manage inter-school rivalries.
Commercial Security
Protecting high-profile buildings and commercial property requires constant screening and monitoring of entrances to protect against troublemakers, terrorists and intruders. Using MatchPoint™, security officers can be notified of persons of interest and authorized personnel entering the building to enhance screening and improve efficiency of ingress and egress.
Health Care
In addition to using MatchPoint’s facial recognition for access management, hospitals, nursing homes, and long term care facilities can use MatchPoint to manage and protect patients. For example, if a patient suffering from dementia of perhaps brain injury wanders away from the ward, or toward and exit, staff can be notified to keep the patient out of harms way.
Entertainment Industry
Entrances at nightclubs and entertainment venues are often flooded with customers. With MatchPoint™ lines of patrons can be screened for known troublemakers. In addition VIPs can be spotted for quick access. MatchPoint also can keep identity records to validate the identification process, protecting both the patrons and the venue.
Retail stores can use MatchPoint™ to spot shoplifters and troublemakers, as well as to notice VIP and repeat customers to provide special service and enhance the customer experience.
imperfect world of intelligent surveillance and video analysis for law enforcement, commercial
security, and business applications.